Delivering bespoke global recruitment within the ingredients industry.

Inproe Ingredients Global Bespoke Recruitment - Our services

We ask the right questions

In a constantly evolving industry our clients need to stay one step ahead, and when securing new talent it’s more important than ever to be well prepared. We have developed a range of services that will help our clients to make those long-lasting connections with top talent seeking only the very best.

Whether you’d benefit from an up to the minute interpretation of the sector and its talent pool, an overview of the industry enabling you to plan your growth or a credible introduction with a high-impact individual, we can add value to your ever-changing business.

Contact us to talk through our bespoke solutions »

Inproe Ingredients Global Bespoke Recruitment - Peach Illustration

Executive search

We offer creative yet robust processes for managing recruitment in niche, often familial, sectors. Working as an ambassador for our clients allows us to embody your proposition, strategy and values when talking to candidates, and this level of knowledge helps to motivate even the least ‘active’ person.

We offer a single point of contact, from creating a brief through identification, engagement and delivery of a shortlist, and this provides you with true accountability, traceability and trust.


People intelligence

We offer this service to partners who would benefit from an understanding of directly competitive or aligned markets, and their key figures. Conducting People Intelligence is a means of passively engaging with senior industry professionals, providing the client with a detailed ‘talent map’ and an insight into circumstance, motivation and expectation. 

This service is often used by businesses contemplating longer term growth and succession strategies, or those who require expert support in determining their requirements (for example, role profile, or person specifications).  People Intelligence can be used on its own or as a foundation for more formalised recruitment activity. In both cases we deliver valuable insight with professionalism, speed and discretion.


Industry mapping

In contemplating growth strategies it is important to understand the landscape of your sector, and often of those sectors you could consider aligned. Market development, mergers and acquisition all benefit from insight into the range, size, structure and strategies of businesses with comparable geographies, products & technologies and strategies. We can provide detailed industry maps which will give you a foundation for competitive advantage.


Targeted introductions

As a business we are primarily client-led, however we sometimes find ourselves approached by high-potential industry professionals active in exploring development opportunities. We always keep these individuals forefront of mind for the right fit, and should a client express an interest we can introduce those professionals with aligned abilities, experience or skills.